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Sobre nós

We are a business and commercial consulting company that facilitates business negotiations between buyers and sellers.
It is our duty to ensure that both buyer and seller remain satisfied because they are traded under the best terms and conditions.

We deal with natural and agricultural products used as food, cosmetics and medina. The products of our partners are 100% organic and the quality is superior. We also provide quality and standard certifications along with certificate of side origins. Our exchange terms are flexible as we provide a conducive and safe atmosphere for the trade.

Principais Mercados

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Europa Oriental
  • Oriente Médio
  • América do norte
  • Oceania
  • América do Sul
  • Sudoeste da Asia
  • Europa Ocidental

Mais sobre a

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100K - 200K

Volume de vendas (USD)

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% Vendas com exportação



Ano de Fundação

Tipo de negócio
  • Empresa trading
  • Escritório de compras
  • Representante comercial
  • Distribuidor/Atacadista
  • Prestador de serviço
  • Outro

Palavras chaves
  • Produtos agrícolas

Contato e localização
  • icone de usuario Joselyn ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Curitiba / PA | Brasil

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